Local rules:

Stakes, roadway curbing, property fencing and rocks used as borders define out of bounds.


Drop areas on hole #12 and #14 are located in front of the water hazard in an effort to speed up play.


In the absence of hazard stakes, the natural edge of the water feature defines the water hazard.


Railroad ties used as a curb for the cart path are deemed to be a part of the cart path.


Railroad ties used in the bunker on hole #3 are deemed to be integral part of the course.  No relief may be taken from these ties.


Areas of high traffic adjacent to the cart paths are not considered a part of the cart path and no relief may be taken.  If a consensus can not be made among the group as to the edge of a cart path, the player shall play two balls and present the issue to the committee.



1:  Carts may not enter wooded areas or areas of native grasses.  90 rule is acceptable on all area of maintained turf grass unless circumstances require additional restrictions.